Thursday, July 15, 2010

Coweta County Superior Clerk's Office

The Coweta County Superior Clerk's Office needs to practice on their professionalism. There is no need for rudeness and sarcasm from employees. You are no better than I treat people as you wish to be treated!   P.R.


  1. in this day and time people should be grateful they have a job and be the most gracious person to ever walk this earth when dealing with their customers. i experience it first hand everyday and wish i could fire every one of them and hire someone who would be proud to work and deal with the public AND be polite when doing so! it's not just the court clerk's office, it's everywhere. mcdonald's, burger king, convenience stores, sit-down name it, there is an entire generation of people who feel that they are entitled to a job, a paycheck and their shitty attitude.

  2. The magistrate's office is just as rude. When you ask a question, they say they are not allowed to give answers, seek an attorney. Then they should get fired! What are they getting paid to do then??

  3. if they were able to give legal adice then they wouldn't be sitting behind the counter tolerating some pro se that will not spend the money on hiring an attorney.


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