Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The new red light on the bypass

The new red light on the bypass is so screwed up people coming from town gets left arrow longer than people headed to town and to get on the bypass . lets get this fixed
Thomas Wood


  1. Will somebody please sync the traffic lights!!!

  2. Why is it the lanes that have the least traffic stay green the longest....exp. Calumet Parkway

  3. Christy Cargile StanfordJune 8, 2011 at 7:03 PM

    Traffic loops were cut all the way from BYPASS at Carollton highway to the bullsboro drive to do the work on the bypass. It won't be fixed til the highway widening is completed. So its going to be that way til at least Dec 2011.

  4. ALL of the lights in this county need to be re-timed!!!


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