Random Acts of Kindness

Kindness is contagious, make the world a better place by performing a random act of kindness every day.
Here are some ideas.....

Quick Ideas Smile at a stranger. Read to a child. Make a wish come true. Rake someones yard.  Be a courteous driver. Help A Charity. Sing a song. Pick up litter. Train Seeing Eye dogs. Tutor immigrants. Be a pen pal. Hold the elevator door. Change a tire. Adopt-a-Highway. Organize a neighborhood watch. Teach peer mediation. Tell a joke. Sub for Santa. Start a community garden. Buy donuts for neighboring office. Be a Crisis-Line volunteer. Send a thank you note. Give clothes at a shelter. Wash a car. Visit a lemonade stand. Plant a tree. Recycle. Visit a sick neighbor. Give a tip.Give up your seat.

Help your friends with children. Baby sit. Deliver a cooked meal for the entire family. Let their children spend the day with you or have an "overnight" with your children. Run an errand for them. Give them a night out on the town (meal, movie, etc.). Volunteer to pick the children up from school. Offer help with homework or tutor a child that is having trouble at school. Take a parent out to dinner at their favorite place.

Kindness Towards Environment Practice kindness towards the environment. Participate in beach or park cleanups. Reduce air pollution by carpooling, taking public transportation, biking, or walking. Recycle all aluminum, plastic, and paper materials. Cut down on the energy you use by lowering the heat and turning off lights and unused appliances. Learn more about solar energy. As gifts, give houseplants to teachers, friends, or coworkers. Plant a tree in your neighborhood.

Reach out to the home bound - seniors, ill or incapacitate children or caregivers committed to caring for their family members at home. Connect them to communication resources like radio, TV or Internet so they can stay connected to the world at large. Find a good-news story in the media and email them regularly. Tag them with an inspiring book. Offer to bring them books from the library. Share 'smile stories' you've read in this newsletter. Help them take care of their pets. Convince a beautician or barber to make a house-call. Buy them nice stationary so they write appreciative notes to those they are grateful for.

Resources / places to help
Friends of The Bend ( Chattahoochee Bend State Park )
Newnan Community Welcome House (safe haven for abused women and children)
Chattahoochee River Keeper

Did you perform a random act of kindness, or have some more ideas ? Please share in the comment section below, have a great day !

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