Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Times Herald

Why are all these people waging personal attacks against the Times-Herald ?? I think they do a pretty good job of reporting with a fair balanced viewpoint. What have they done to make these people so against them ? Anyway if you don't like it don't read it !

posted by anonymous


  1. The reason people hate the Times Herald is because they play out their own personal/political agenda instead of reporting in an unbiased manner. They have reporters that are allowed to print stories that are inaccurate. Even when eye witnesses to events call the paper and correct their inaccuracies, they refuse to print corrections. They choose sides & print stories in local political issues depending on their "old Newnan" buddies' wishes even if the stories are false. They hide info to protect their "friends" and use their power of print to attempt to discredit those they don't like or who they consider too outspoken against their friends' policies. In short, they are corrupt and should never be supported.

  2. What's going on is a small group of misguided individuals are upset because the paper printed an unflattering, yet true, story about their buddy, a political candidate - back in August! Instead of accepting that their buddy lied to them, they instead have decided to wage this completely unfounded and ridiculous campaign against the paper - based on completely made up nonsense and lies. I feel the most sorry for any naive folk who buy into their absurd charade. But I think most people are smarter than that.

  3. Well I was there and the paper's story was inaccurate. There is no misguided-ness on my end. I think the paper made a big mistake to take on that many eye-witnesses. Everyone is still discussing it. The paper lost all credibility with a lot of folks.

  4. Whoa there. I was for the other guy going to that meeting to see what the opponent was saying. So I saw what happened. What the paper then printed actually scared me. I couldn't believe that they would do such a thing. I'm still happy with my choice of candidate but what the paper did was wrong. What if they decide they don't like the next guy that comes along?

  5. That's not the story I was talking about in my earlier comment (anonymous two) Nor is that what I meant by 'misguided.'
    Clearly, there were some issues with that meeting story; it must not have been a very accurate portrayal of how things went down at the meeting. I think that's obvious. But I'm also quite certain that it was an honest mistake - not on purpose and certainly not malicious. That is what I mean by misguided - people who are spreading the complete BS that it had to do with who likes who, that the paper was trying to play out a personal agenda, take sides, or purposely print false stories. Nothing could be further from the truth. And all this "old Newnan" nonsense is just totally crazy. And I have a sneaky suspicion that the people spreading these malicious lies know they are lies, and spread them anyway. Maybe not. But even if they don't know for sure what they are saying is false, they certainly have a reckless disregard for whether it is true or not. Because it's not based on any facts whatsoever.

  6. One story, the meeting story, might be just a mistake. But then how do you explain the three separate stories on the Kingsbrooke subdivision votes? Man down the street complained to the county back in 2002 or something like that and managed to get his house listed for the right ballot. But the county refused to fix the other houses and none of the rest received the correct ballot. The paper basically buried the story, blamed it on the same candidate (incorrectly, I might ad) that they slammed with the meeting story. Then blamed it on the wife. Blamed it on everyone except the county who was clearly in the wrong. That lost it for me with the county.

  7. The story was not buried.  As for "blaming it on the candidate" what are you even talking about? The paper stated that the complaint with the state was filed by the candidate's wife, which it was. (unless you're saying the secretary of state's office is in on some big conspiracy)
    That's not "blaming" anybody for anything. Where did you ever get that from? And it was clearly stated every time that it was the county's mistake. Of course it was.
    By the way, newspaper reporters aren't mind readers or psychic. They can't just magically "know" about a situation or problem unless someone who is a victim of that situation tells them about it. Sheesh.
    As for the meeting story, personally, when I read it, I thought the Stovers came off looking all right, - like the better people, really - and it was Collins who looked like a jerk.

  8. Life with a Communist-like Local PaperMay 27, 2011 at 11:26 AM

    Everyone knows that the Times Herald is just a newsletter for the local government.

  9. First it was reported that the politician did it. Pure speculation. Not what a reporter should be doing. THEN it was reported that the politician's wife did it. I happen to know that the vindictive newspaper reporter never contacted either one for verification. The entire article was more about who reported it than what actually happened. The Kingbrooke residents are PISSED. They asked for help and the Stovers helped them. The county did NOTHING until they got involved and the newspaper made it a whistleblowers' article instead. Residents there have been trying to get it changed for YEARS. Until the STovers, the county just laughed at them.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. My God this is starting to sound like the Kennedy assassination.. Is it REALLY that big of a deal, and how long ago was this ?

  12. Why is it that anyone who is a successful business person in Coweta County is automatically considered to be "dirty" and corrupt by some people ? Who do you think is responsible for bringing jobs and growth to this county? I can tell you it wasn't some bitter jacka** sitting on the sidelines playing Monday morning quarterback!

  13. Hey Ben - try looking up "speculation" in the dictionary. I don't think it means what you think it means! Too bad the folks in Kingsbrooke never had the sense to contact the newspaper and actually tell them about the problem - it would have been solved immediately.
    And maybe you should look up "vindictive" while you're at it. It's not the newspaper reporters who are vindictive. Seriously. Quit drinking the Kool-aid these folks are feeding you. Make up your mind. Now you're pissed the paper reported the truth? (i.e. who filed the complaint)?

  14. Wow, this last post was a heated one. I was not at the meeting, I have NO clue what happened or was said there & I did not read Sarah's article. This being said, I have to admit I was shocked that grown adults could squabble like children on this post. I only agreed w/David Stover's comment about stopping the bashing. We do have freedom of speech, but we should also be good, conscientious human beings to one another. Like Sarah said, why didn't you send her an E-Mail with what all you thought was wrong she had reported. Why didn't any of you CALL her or go down to the newspaper to talk with her. It is healthy to agree to disagree, but attacks, bashing, vile words.....get no one anywhere.

  15. No, no one is pissed because it was written who filed. People are pissed because THAT IS ALL THEY WROTE. It wouldn't have been solved immediately by the newspaper. Matter of fact, the issue is still going on with the state election board. The county has been doing this for nearly 10 years. Multiple people have complained and the newspaper did a whitewash job to save face for their cronies. I didn't have to drink any Kool-aid. All I had to do is read the article. It sucked and didn't report on the actual problem.


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