Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Humane Society

Nice job of monday morning quarterbacking by the Humane Society. Only problem is the result will probably be someones pet who has been running around without food for a few days and looks sick or may have an injury will be put down because the Animal Shelter will be afraid of another fiasco. submitted by Observer


  1. Does anyone know the real facts on this dog ? some people say it lay there 7 days some say it was only 3. Some say 4 broke legs now I hear it was only 1 ?

  2. It is a shame what happened to that poor dog. I appreciate and actually applaud the shelters policy on not euthanizing any animal for 7 days. Being a pet owner I would hate to think that if my dog were to go missing that he could be put to sleep before I had a chance to find him and come for him. However, the fact that Old Yeller recieved no medical care.....well I feel there is no excuse for that. And as far as "Observer" comments.....everyone should have thier pet microchipped.....that would prevent the animal from being put down if he was picked up by animal control.

  3. Old Yeller, the beautiful golden lab mix, that died as a result of neglect from the Coweta County Shelter employees, had FOUR broken legs and a broken jaw that had locked. He was left on a cold cement floor and was hosed down with cold water....nothing to but cement to lay on. He was unable to eat, drink or stand for four days. That's per the woman from the Georgia Humane Society who actually did rescue him and the vet that she took Old Yeller to who made the decision that the animal needed to be euthanized immediately and was horrified that the dog had been allowed to suffer as it had. I hope that's clear enough as to what happened. Yes, everyone should have their pets microchipped or at the VERY LEAST a collar and tag with owner identification. However, regardless....if ANY ANIMAL comes in to a shelter that is injured, ESPECIALLY WITH THE INJURIES THAT OLD YELLER HAD, the animal should be IMMEDIATELY treated by a vet. For "shelter" employees to walk by this poor suffering dog for four days and do NOTHING is beyond reprehensible!!! Every single worker or employee that let this dog suffer as it did should be terminated that and it should start with the Warden of the Coweta County Animal Shelter. And then the Commissioners of Coweta County had the audacity to call the shelter employees to the front of the room where their public meeting was being held and COMMEND the them for their "effort????" in this case and then the Commissioners went on to condemn the Georgia Humane Society person who rescued the dog for interfering!!! That's the whole story!!! ...disgustingly sad as it....check the facts for yourself. We will not forget this case. He will NOT HAVE DIED IN VAIN....THAT'S A PROMISE!!!!

  4. Are you kidding? You can forget them starting with him. The Warden would never do anything wrong.....they treat him like a KING.....and WHY? If the taxpayers and commissioners only knew what all goes on at that prison camp and animal shelter! The inmates are treated better than you, I and the dogs. He certainly should not get the praise he gets.

  5. It is so horrible that the shelter employees treated this poor dog that way. But I thought they automatically euthanized animals that came in with injury? That was what I was told a few years back when I found and injured cat and called animal control to see if they could take him. They told they did not treat injured pets and he would immediately be put down. The injuries were not that bad, he looked like he had a fight with another animal. So, my husband and I doctored him, fed him, and he became our pet. There was no way I could take him to the shelter knowing he had no chance of being adopted.

  6. Here are the real facts regarding this case . These are facts that even the Coweta Animal Control does not deny.
    Old Yeller was taken under a home by animal control using a catch pole, with a noose. The ACO dragged the dog out by his neck. Unable to move his legs , or open his mouth. He was carried to the ACO's county vehicle by a neighbor and an animal control officer. The neighbor assumed this dog would get immediate medical attention and said he was in obvious distress. This is documented by CBS news Atlanta.
    The dog, named "Old Yeller" by a Georgia Humane Society, a local rescue, was taken to Coweta Animal Shelter where he did not receive any medical care at all. Instead, he was put on the floor of his cage, near the food he could not eat , and water he could not drink. From Thursday until Monday afternoon, he starved while looking at those bowls, unable to move. According to the shelter, on Monday the vet did see Old Yeller and told the staff to hose him down with cold water, but never took the dogs temperature. So,the staff turned the hose on him and wet him down. On Monday, the shelter allowed him to be "rescued" by GHS. They paid the fee and took him to the Dr. Old Yeller was euthanized shortly after at the Vets, when they decided It was too late for this boy. There was nothing they could do to heal him at that point.
    THIS IS THE SICKENING TRUTH - According to the shelter. The rescues story and the story of the man who called the ACO about the dog offer very different viewpoints. The commissioners backed the ACO's actions - and made no attempt to explain the lack of simply common decency or respect for life at that shelter. They feel they did nothing wrong by neglecting that poor dog, and allowing him to suffer needlessly.
    The voters have been surprisingly silent .
    Hopefully the District Attorney will not be afraid of these men and will hold them accountable for the neglect and dereliction of duty at the Coweta Animal Control. This despicable behavior can not be allowed to continue unchecked. Please speak up Coweta !

  7. We have tried to speak up.....the county and commissioners think the WARDEN can do no wrong and he is the man in charge. He is not the saint they think! Ask his employees!

  8. Looking at this from a non-emotional perspective, this sounds like a result in a conflict of policies and possibly lack of resources, something that should be reviewed.
    They have both a policy of not euthanizing animals, picking up & taking in any animal that appears to be in bad shape, and insufficient resources to medically treat the animals brought in. If the vet only spent a couple mins with the animal, it may indicate that the vet does not have time, meaning there are too many other animals to treat, or they are a volunteer and are limited in the time spent at the H.S. so they focus on animals they know they can treat quickly and successfully.
    The person picking up the animal was probably under public pressure to collect any injured-looking animal, there was a policy not to euthanize, and insufficient medical resources to treat the animal. Some of these policies and procedures need to be reviewed - put the personal attacks aside.

    The only way to really fix this problem - get your pet microchipped and spayed or neutered.


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