Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Jury Duty

You would think the Clerk of the Court would like for people to volunteer to be jurors. I asked if they had some type of list for people who WANTED to do the service and they said NO....only every 2 years can you serve. Why? Most people do not like it. I would do it once a month if they would let me. PR


  1. You can take my place next time, some of those sleazy defense lawyers make me want to vomit.

  2. I am with anonymous

  3. It's part of the MESSED up justice system I assume!!! Most of the time...It Makes NO sense!!

  4. Jurors are picked at random from the registered voter list.....

  5. it has nothing to do with the Clerk of Court. By law jurors have to be selected by random to insure there are no "fixed cases" or a conflict of interest. Besides once you get called, you still have a 20% chance of actually being a juror. The other 80% just wasted a morning of sitting a waiting.

  6. I hope you never become a Juror, you obviously do not know the laws in the country...


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