Government spending by both Coweta County and the City of Newnan is an outrage. Building parks when the schools dont even have enough books for all the kids, and if you just have to build parks why not out of the city limits in the West side of coweta around the Western School area. Plus after sitting in State court of coweta county one day i want to know what happens to all the money from fines. I have done this several times just to see how much they take in more people need to go see just how much. Plus one family I talked with was there with their son. He had been arrested last year for reckless driving and speeding after I talked with this young man I found out that another car was trying to run him off the road and that they had caught the other driver also. And that the arresting officer agreed that the charges should be dropped against him. But the state would not drop it knowing that he was running for his life for all he knew. Robert Stokely how could your office not drop the charges. GREED!!!!!!! And then told he needed to find another way to handle the way he did that night should he have pulled over (he didnt know the other drive) he could have been shot or beat up. He tried to let the guy go past him but the guy slowed and tried to run him off the road. What would you do? He was just trying to make it home where he would be safe he hoped. No wonder people who have been raised here are wanting to move away. Thank God I am not from Newnan and live outside of Coweta. But I have family that do and feel sorry for them that have to put up with such stupid people in power and their stupid spending and their greed what happened to small town Newnan and Coweta that I love to visit as a child Why are they acting like they want to become another Atlanta or Old National.
Jacee Phillips